Soothe Your Body With A Healthy Massage!

Have you thought about being a masseuse? Do you enjoy giving or getting massages? If the subject of massages is of great interest to you, the following article will provide you with some very useful information. The article that follows can be quite helpful.

Try to squeeze in a few massage sessions each week. Massages not only help your body to feel relaxed, they can also give you a nice overall sense of well-being. This could be because of the reduced stress and relaxation that comes with a good massage. Try for twice a week.

If you suffer from stretch marks from excessive weight loss or gain, or from carrying a baby you have probably tried everything to make them go away. Having a massage at those areas with coco butter will help take away those stretch marks. Massage really helps tissue to regenerate, and soon the stretch marks will begin to disappear.

Olive oil is a great ingredient to use when you are massaging. These massage oils will absorb much better than a lotion or gel. Your hands are also much more able to glide over a person’s skin when you use massage oil.

Eat lightly before receiving a massage. You might be uncomfortable if you’ve eaten too much, which can create a bad experience. You need to be sure that you eat something healthy so that you’re able to have a more pleasurable experience.

When your spa doesn’t wash your feet before a massage, do it yourself. You don’t want the germs that are present on your feet to be spread all over your body. If you can’t bathe your feet, try to visit the bathroom prior to the appointment and give your feet a quick wash in the sink.

A massage should involve slow, comforting movements. When you use your thumbs to apply pressure, use your other fingers for support. Use the force of your weight as well; this will help your arms to not get tired.

You might advise the person getting a massage from you to get shaved in certain areas. This can give you a smoother surface to work with. This allows your hands to move about in a more free motion.

You should generally try and keep quite when giving someone a massage. It is hard to fully relax with distractions and a lot of conversation going on around you. If there is sound, only nature sounds or soft music should be used. Besides that, keep as quiet as possible.

After a massage, take your time while getting up. You have been prone and relaxed for an extended period during the massage. You may feel dizzy or even faint if you stand up too quick.

If you are planning on a massage of your entire body, make sure your feet are thoroughly cleaned ahead of time. There are all kinds of bacteria that live on your feet; therefore, your massage therapist can easily spread them whenever he or she is giving you the massage. You’ll be glad you cleaned your feet once the massage is over.

Hopefully, you now know more then you did about massage. You need to keep these tips in mind. So the next time you go get a massage or give a massage to a friend, keep in mind what you’ve learned.

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